BY BETH PORTOLESE It’s been awhile since I’ve been moved to write one of these rants but today I am flying cross-country to Seattle for work. I just got a new job and our other office is in that city. Anyone who knows me understands that I don’t like to fly and a six-hour flight is not exactly my ideal way to spend a Sunday. Anyway I’m hoping this flight is a little different because of some advice a friend gave me that I ‘m taking. Since I’m the type of flyer that thinks we are probably going down every time even slight turbulence hits, I need something to relax me, so a friend told me to take a half a Xanax pill. Luckily I was able to get a hold of a couple of pills from a generous friend so here I am on the flight and I have to say, things aren’t bothering me as much! I just hope I don’t suddenly go off the deep end like some of these stars you read about who act crazy on airplane flights and blame it on Xanax and the glass of wine they had.