BY KITT WALSH I am not a captain of industry nor beloved of millions, yet my Inbox resembled the Long Island Expressway, at rush hour, when there is a traffic accident blocking all lanes. My Inbox registered 9,999 messages and that’s only because the counter quit at that number. I always assumed that I was going to get to read, if not respond to them all, but I never found the time and the next thing I knew, emails were lost in the stack as surely as any needle in that proverbial hay. I was a candidate for “email bankruptcy”. According to a definition by Wikipedia: “Email bankruptcy is a term used to explain a decision to delete all emails older than a certain date, due to an overwhelming volume of messages. Sounds easy, eh? It’s not, but if you have more than 500 messages in your Inbox or have recently been asked the question, “Didn’t you get my email?” you should give email bankruptcy a shot. Here’s how to do it: