BY BETH PORTOLESE Well I start this off as I’m on a flight to Florida. I’ve been flying a lot lately and could it get any worse? I hate to fly and the scene at the airports is a nightmare. In NYC, all the airports seem to have construction going on (probably because no updates have happened in 40 years) so that makes things even worse. Friends of mine have told me that when they took cabs to the airport, the construction created so much traffic that they got out of their cabs and walked to the airport terminal with all their luggage! Luckily that didn’t happen to me this morning when I took a cab at 5:30 to the airport. Apparently if you go three hours early to your flight, this is not as much of an issue. I always check my bag because I don’t want to haul it around the airport for 2 hours and there is never any room in the overhead containers by the time I board…plus I can’t reach them. After dropping the bag, I go to the security gate and realize I am TSA pre-check. It’s my lucky day!